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Over-the-phone Interpreting connects teachers and families in US

More than half of US elementary and high-school students go back to learning and attend online classes since October 2020. This raises a major concern to students as English learners and challenges non-English-speaking families to stay engaged.  Accordingly, a so-called language solution Phone Interpretation becomes more necessary than ever to enable a consistent interaction among teachers, students, and parental families. 

1. What is Over-the-phone-interpretation (OPI)?

It is, to simplify, the remote interpretation in which interpreters work online to translate conversations in real-time. A user will connect with an experienced interpreter via phone. Interpreters are normally knowledgeable and deal with the cultural context or idioms equivalence when translating direct conversations. As many events and physical activities go online due to the pandemic, OPI is believed to well assist in schooling and education.

2. School interpretations under the impacts of Covid-19

School’s transition to remote learning since March 2020 reverses the pedagogical process, especially for tests and exams. Providence Public Schools in Rhode Island previously had bilingual staff interpret dialogues between teachers and parents, but still, they were unable to continue this practice when classes became online.

As an effort to alleviate the problem, many translation companies suggested remote interpreting as a flawless solution. The increasing number of people using OIP services showed that online interpretation is a potential trend for the future of the Translation Industry. Remote phone interpreters have helped teachers connect with students’ families, regardless of language barriers, and received great reliance from users. 

Moreover, quick onboarding is able to guarantee that learners gain the attention they need, whereas schools can provide translation services for their co-operative families. Yet fast translation does not mean low quality. Language solution providers have carefully trained their interpreters to have them familiarized with education terminologies and provided them with excellent technical skills as well. Greater connections between teachers and families are reported, such as teachers’ abilities to control student’s participation in virtual classes via parents.  

3. Fast, reliable OPI services 

For years, Sao Khue JSC has equipped itself with professional interpreters and provided them with non-literal skills to handle any unexpected cases during the translation process. 

Adapting to new changes after Covid-19, we are thoughtfully aware of the high demand for remote interpretation. And now, we are proud to become a reliable online interpreter to keep people connected using OPI. 

Source: Lion Bridge.

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