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The cost of underestimating localization – No Icelandic for Disney+

Popular streaming service Disney+ has launched in Iceland recently. Nevertheless, not a single of the movies it offers has been localized into Icelandic. This subjective decision has put Disney on the spot.

Companies that launch in new foreign markets may decide not to localize for a multitude of reasons and the most common one is the “everyone speaks English” philosophy. Besides, there exist several stereotypical viewpoints that make executives with purchasing power either not ‘believe’ in localization or feel as though the translation is accessible. 

According to Translator Thorarinn Eldjarn, Disney’s decision not to localize is so baffling, given that a multitude of Disney movies has already been dubbed or subtitled in the language, localization taking place at the time of the films’ release. Popular Disney characters namely  Donald Duck and Winnie the Pooh, for instance, are already known in Icelandic as Andrés Önd and Bangsímon. “I do wonder why they don’t at least offer the old versions,” Eldjarn told The New York Times, “Either they think Iceland is too small and unimportant to bother with, or they assume everyone understands English.”

This complete lack of localization has prompted Iceland’s education minister, Lilja Alfredsdottir, to formally complain to Disney by sending a letter this month to Bob Chapek – The Walt Disney Company’s chief executive officer. Despite being spoken by the country’s entire population, Icelandic is considered to be an at-risk language. Among children, English is preferred and Icelandic literacy — as opposed to English language literacy — is down, leaving schools to reevaluate curriculum since students are unable to read the history and literature books traditionally used in the classroom. Therefore, subtitling is required for all foreign shows broadcast in the country. Obviously, Disney could not get the support they expected from the Icelandic after this move.


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